Managing holiday stress

The holidays can be stressful in the best of times. Whose house do we celebrate at? Who is bringing what dish? Did I buy a gift for everyone? How do I pay for this? And then there’s 2020! Now we are suddenly trying to answer all of those questions in the middle of a pandemic. This year has looked a lot different than any of us would have guessed as we prepared for Christmas 2019. Some of you may be facing canceled plans or an empty chair around the dinner table this year because you’ve lost a loved one to Covid.

It’s important to take care of your own mental health so that you can fill your tank and be present for your loved ones. It’s also about recognizing what’s “good enough”. Expectations can cause us quite a bit of anxiety and suffering. What would it look like for you to put those expectations aside, take a pause, evaluate what’s good enough and savor that? Can you be mindful of the simple, good moments?

Try this mindfulness exercise…

Make yourself your favorite tea, hot cocoa or cider. Observe the scent rising up in the steam from your mug. Take a deep breath in through your nose and be aware of how that feels for you. Notice the warmth you feel in your hand as you hold your beverage. Notice the feeling and the heaviness of the mug in your hand. As you take a sip, notice how it feels in your mouth and on your tongue. Enjoy the taste.


A New Chapter

